Hospice Hot Topics: HOPE
Hospice Hot Topics: HOPE
Thursday, August 14, 2025 (11:00 AM - 12:00 PM) (EDT)
This session will be a high level recap of all things HOPE that are imperative for flawless implementation of the new tool effective October 1, 2025.
Meet the Speaker:
Tammy Stewart, RN, CPHQ, COS-C, is a Clinical Consultant for HPS. She is a member of the National Association for Healthcare Quality and holds a Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality (CPHQ) certification. As a part of the HPS clinical consulting team, Tammy provides support and solutions to home health and hospice agencies across the country to achieve regulatory compliance. Tammy’s commitment to service and compassionate nursing care started 30 years ago as a home health nurse. Her experience includes successfully starting a Hospice QAPI program and serving as a Hospice Quality Manager. Tammy has experience as a Home Health Clinical Manager as well as case management of home health patients. Tammy has provided education and leadership for home health, hospice, and acute care settings throughout her nursing career. Her knowledge of Federal and State Regulations along with her clinical experience motivates her to continually seek solutions to the barriers of healthcare in all settings. Tammy’s experience includes developing and implementing quality and performance improvement programs for home health and hospice in addition to performing data analysis, clinical chart reviews, onsite billing audit reviews and provider education.

MHHA Member: Complimentary
Non Member: $50